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“They have the ability to adapt to our needs as the project progresses.”

Eric DemasCFO & City Auditor, City of Everett


Temper and Forge delivered a flexible website that satisfies key metrics, including load speed, traffic, and search engine rankings. Company leadership facilitates a successful partnership by providing insightful recommendations and solutions to challenges. They understand the client’s goals.


What challenge were you trying to address with Temper And Forge?

We hired Temper And Forge to revamp our website.


What was the scope of their involvement?

Initially, we provided Temper And Forge a Figma file that we’d developed. We needed them to convert that file into a WordPress website and incorporate all of the functionality that we were missing on our old site. They did the new website from scratch.

At present, we’ve contracted them to move forward into phase two of the project, which is website maintenance. The Temper And Forge team is also working with us to continuously make improvements and develop other areas of the website.

What is the team composition?

We work with Nathan (Founder & Owner), Katherine (Project Manager), and Sam (Developer). Alyssa (Account Manager) is part of the team, but we don’t work directly with her.

How did you come to work with Temper And Forge?

We found Temper And Forge by searching for top website development firms in the Metro Boston area. Our team didn’t necessarily want a local vendor, but because the project is time-sensitive, we focused on teams that could be local when necessary.

With that in mind, we interviewed three companies. We were instantly comfortable with Temper And Forge, and their resources were extremely responsive. To elaborate, the team listened to our needs and adapted to every single aspect that we expected from them — they were great. As a result, we hired them.

How much have you invested with them?


What is the status of this engagement?

We started working with them in September 2021, and the engagement is ongoing. They finished the first phase of the project in October 2021.


What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement?

We’ve received feedback from our residents, who say the website is much more user-friendly. They also accomplish tasks on the website. Moreover, our team has also received tremendous feedback from our department heads and staff.

Overall, we’re pleased with what Temper And Forge has done to our platform in terms of its searchability and accessibility. On top of that, we’ve had an aggressive timeline for the project’s first phase, but they’ve met it.

How did Temper And Forge perform from a project management standpoint?

For project management, they use Google Documents and a tracking program that allows everybody in our team to see what they’re working on and where the priorities are.

What did you find most impressive about them?

The most impressive thing about Temper And Forge is their dedication to meeting our goals within an aggressive timeframe. They have the ability to adapt to our needs as the project progresses.

Are there any areas they could improve?

No, there aren’t any.

Do you have any advice for potential customers?

Take the time to get to know the Temper And Forge team rather than relying on written proposals. Understand their philosophy and approach to the project. Doing this has been helpful in our selection process, which is why our project has been so successful.

Project URL:

Engagement Length
Sep. 2021 – Ongoing




Willing to refer:

Project Focus:
– WordPress
– Site Design
– Custom Development
– Site Speed Optimization
– ADA Compliance
– Calendar System
– Job System
– Live Document System
– On-going development